I know it sounds crazy, but there are other vampire romance novels! Oh My Gosh!! Please, stop reading the same books over and over and over again!! I have read the series, and I'll admit, it was good, but not worth reading 6 times over! If you want different vamp romance, ask me and I'll tell you guys, but believe me, Stephanie Meyer is a one hit wonder in terms of books. If you've been to her website you'll notice she hasn't started anything new! and The Host was so much better! In fact, that book needs a sequel. And stop picking Team Edward/Jacob! You all know how it ends! So stop it, it's stupid! Reading it over will not change the turnout!!!
Dont.... get.... me.... started! I read the first chapter to the first book and put it down due to its lack in quality of writting. I have gained all my knowlege of the books from my friends who will NOt shut up about it! First, VAMPIRED BURN IN THE SUN AND WEARWOLVES CHANGE AT THE FULL MOON >:( Not when Vamps are around ><
ARgh! Second, if you are (however old edward is) you will NOT have reproductive gametes! They will be LLOooong dead!
Anyways... thats just my thoughts on the sillyness that is the Twilight series =( If you want a good Vampire series i recommend TrueBlood, Anita Blake series, and for the fellow were loveres anthing by Patricia Briggs is good =)
*high five AppleLPfreak*
LMAO! thank you, I'm glad to know someone still has their sanity intact.